3 Types of Transportation All Assisted Living Homes Need

used school bus for sale

Assisted living homes require a lot of different staff and equipment to care for their residents. From nurses and aides to walkers and medical equipment, there are several things these facilities need to invest time and money in. But one of the most important items assisted living homes need is transportation options. With older drivers between the ages of 70 and 74 being more likely than other age groups to be involved in fatal car accidents, most assisted living home residents no longer drive. So what kind of transportation do these facilities require to meet the needs or their residents?

Wheelchairs and scooters: For on-site transportation, wheelchairs and scooters can be extremely beneficial for residents and staff. This type of transportation equipment is becoming more and more common, especially in larger facilities. For residents who need help doing daily activities, particularly those that involve walking long distances, having access to a wheelchair or scooter can make it easier. While many residents may already have their own wheelchair or scooter, assisted living facilities should consider investing in some for residents to use as needed.

Utility vans: Utility vans can be a great addition to any and all assisted living facilities. From picking up supplies to driving residents to local amenities, senior living vans can be extremely valuable. If an assisted living home decides to buy a van, they’ll be able to make necessary transports, like moving maintenance equipment. A van can be more useful than a car, especially when it comes to transporting residents who need to use a wheelchair. All in all, vans can be prized possessions at assisted living facilities.

Buses: Similar to a van, a bus can be used for larger transportation needs. If facilities look into buying a used school bus for sale, they’ll be able to transport several residents at once. This can be beneficial for group outings such as those to the grocery store or a local park. When assisted living facilities find the right bus, they will no longer have to worry about taking multiple trips or using several different vehicles for group outings. Looking for a used school bus for sale can be a great investment for larger facilities.

Having the right transportation is an important part of running an assisted living home. So from wheelchairs to school buses and everything in between, it’s essential to make sure residents have access to the transportation they need.